Comment on SEO Super Comments WordPress Plugin by Mark.

WordPress Blog SEO Comments The super comments plugin, a year or so later has been working and getting more traffic to my site by creating landing pages. I pay attention to my commentators and try to maintain a standard of comments I publish as poor grammar and low quality comments I do not approve. I use the standard: ‘is this page useful to the reader’.

My question is do you think 400 characters is too short a criteria to create a super comment. You know Google is focusing on low quality pages as a ranking factor. I question is a 400 character page of truly unique content has any value?

Further, what if today I changed it to 2000 characters from 400 lets say, would that mean for example a 500 character super comment that exists today would no longer be super comment page? and the number of pages would decrease? I think so. That is not a bad thing. I deleted all my tag pages and therefore, my total number of index pages by Google decreased and nothing bad happened.

So super comments is brilliant and works and is saving me the pain of creating that forum I always talked about. It is just about the settings of super comments?

I guess I am asking is the default too low for optimal SEO in 2012? What do you think or feel about this?