Comment on Custom Posts Widget by SEO Dave.

Stallion Responsive Theme Single Posts Widget Found the problem, it’s a code error, I moved an & sign to the wrong place.

Fix will be in Stallion Responsive 8.1 (still planned for the end of the month) if you want to fix it now it’s a tiny change. Edit the file:


On line 57 you’ll find:

$popular = new WP_Query('cat=' . $include . 'ignore_sticky_posts=1&&orderby=' . $poprand . '&order=' . $ascdes . '&posts_per_page=' . $num);

change to:

$popular = new WP_Query('cat=' . $include . '&ignore_sticky_posts=1&orderby=' . $poprand . '&order=' . $ascdes . '&posts_per_page=' . $num);

Moving one of the & signs.

Funny I forgot I added the ability to select specific categories for that widget, some new Page Templates I’m planning will need that option to be useful and thought I’d have to add it :-)


Update Fixed in Stallion Responsive 8.1+