Comment on Squirrly WordPress SEO Review by SEO Dave.
I don’t use the Squirrly WordPress SEO Plugin and my WordPress posts are also indexed by Google in under 24 hours, many are indexed within minutes. Should I argue my site is indexed fast in Google because I use the Stallion Responsive WordPress SEO Theme?
Google doesn’t spider and index pages faster because of the content, obviously I’m assuming your WordPress theme users links to recent posts, categories etc… so Googlebot has a way to find all posts on a site: if you had a weird setup that had no links to articles Google wouldn’t find anything. Google indexes sites fast because they have links to them that Googlebot finds and follows randomly, better linked a page is more likely Google will index it fast.
The only WordPress plugins that COULD have an impact on spidering speed are the XML sitemap plugins. If you have a plugin that generates an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google Webmaster Tools it COULD result in new pages being indexed faster.
Since there are dozens of free Google XML sitemap plugins and they all pretty much do the same thing it’s not hard to create a Google XML sitemap. I didn’t look at the Squirrly WordPress SEO Plugin XML Sitemap output, does it do something special that results in super fast Google indexing?
From the Squirrly WordPress SEO Plugin FAQ feature list:
adds the XML Sitemap for search engines: /sitemap.xml
PING the XML Sitemap in google blogs
That’s standard XML sitemap stuff.
BTW Not sure why having Squirrly 50% Discount Codes is a reason to buy/use a WordPress plugin that’s rubbish? I can give you a 100% Squirrly Discount Code, when you get to the checkout page turn your computer off and you won’t waste any money on a worthless WordPress SEO plugin :-)
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