Comment on SEOPressor SEO Plugin Review by SEO Dave.

Seopressor WordPress SEO Plugin Review I wouldn’t generally advise hiding/cloaking links to your own pages as they’ll pass no PR/link benefit and so will be less likely to rank well. There’s an argument for hiding/cloaking privacy pages and similar pages that are irrelevant to a sites rankings and waste link benefit, but the page you mention above appears to be one you’d want SERPs for.

“SEOpressor uses is that you must have an internal link to another page of your site”

I can’t see a lot of SEO logic in this, you sure it’s not link to a related page on the site? So if a page was about “Stallion Theme Cloak Affiliate Links Tutorial” you’d ideally want links from the page with anchor containing one or more of the relevant keywords. Not much to gain linking from this page to one that’s not relevant beyond having more links to the page you are linking to.

I’m lazy when it comes to internal linking (and external linking to other sites I own) and try to automate it as much as possible.

I use plugins like the Related Posts plugins (free from WordPress SEO Plugins) you see below the Comment form on this page and on a few sites the SEO Smart Links WordPress Plugin (link on the plugin page above): never seem to find the time to setup the SEO Smart Links Plugin on most of my sites (not automated enough :-)).

Links off a page are important if you can get many of them to use anchor text related to the SERPs you are after for the page the links are off. If I wasn’t so lazy I’d manually splatter relevant links to internal pages and other sites I own through out my posts.

SEO wise anchor text has more SEO benefit for the page the anchor text is on than standard body text. So if you have a page about “Link Cloaking” and a link from that page to a page about link cloaking and the link has anchor text “Link Cloaking” (or related anchor text), changing the link to a hidden/cloaked link (using Stallion) will turn the link into standard body text as far as Google etc…. goes and so SEO benefit (from the anchor text) will be lost. However, if this is a link to an affiliate site you loose more SEO benefit (you loose link benefit) by linking out to an affiliate site that you don’t want to waste link benefit on compared to the SEO gain from relevant anchor text.

Basically do hide/cloak affiliate links, don’t hide/cloak links to your own pages. If you hide/cloak an affiliate link with anchor text that was highly relevant to the page the link is on try to add another link using similar anchor text to one of your relevant pages.
