Comment on Installing a WordPress Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress Theme Installer I had a quick look at the eMember plugin output on your site and it’s using tables to generate the form, that’s probably causing the problem.

They’ve given the table various CSS classes, don’t they provide some example CSS for styling?

BTW noticed you have some nofollow attributes in your code, nofollow deletes link benefit. View source on your home page and track down how they are generated and ideally remove them. For example you’ve added the Recent Comments widget instead of the GAT Recent Comments widget. The former uses nofollow on links to the authors website, the latter doesn’t add links to the authors site (I use the GAT widget on this site, see right menu).

You should also use the GAT Meta widget not the default one, the default one adds a link to the login forms which wastes link benefit. The GAT one protects link benefit that would go through those links.
