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Stop Being Added to Facebook Groups
If only there was a stop being added to Facebook groups feature, there would be no need for a rant. Unfortunately Facebook doesn’t have a Stop Being Added to Facebook Groups feature, so here’s the rant I’m sending Facebook via their FeedBack Form. Partial screenshot of my feedback to Facebook below. Facebook Feature Suggestion : Your Friend has Recommended this Group Dear Facebook Developers, Please learn basic netiquette and stop allowing your Facebook users to add their Facebook friends to groups without permission. It is unacceptable Internet behavior for forum owners to add people to a forum without their permission, yet you feel it’s acceptable to be added to a Facebook group (a forum) just because a Facebook friend doesn’t […]
How to Upgrade Mailman Mailing List Tutorial
Spent half a day trying to figure out Mailman mailing list under Virtualmin (control panel) and Centos 6.4 Apache server. Problem one was turns out the Godaddy VPS Centos 6.4 repository (the one Godaddy recommends) I’m using has not updated the mailman script for YEARS. The Godaddy VPS server this domain is running on was running Mailman v2.1.12 from I think 2009 when Mailman v2.1.18 from May 2014 was available. Should I Upgrade Mailman? I didn’t NEED to upgrade per se (Mailman 2.1.12 works), but since old software tends to have more security vulnerabilities and less features than new versions, I always upgrade when I can. Life is very easy with a server when you can type “yum update” in […]
Long Term Disability
I have lived with long term physical disability for over twenty years, in this time I’ve not been capable of working a typical 9-5 type office job and could have spent all this time on long term disability benefits never working. My health problems became an issue at University over twenty years ago, in the final year of a BSc degree in genetics I literally could not sit the final exams: was around 21 hours of exams away from a science degree in genetics :-( Had to drop out of the University of Sussex on medical grounds in the final year and was never able to finish the degree course, which is why today I earn a living making money […]
Bing Search Engine and Awstats Log Stats Analyzer
In search engine optimization log analysis is very important, I own two dedicated servers running Vitualmin with Awstats and Webalizer log stats analyzer programs installed. I don’t find Webalizer stats particularly useful, so disable running Webalizer log analyzer. I like the detail of Awstats log analyzer, but looking at the Awstats website it appears they don’t update particularly frequently, as I type this the last stable update was Awstat 6.9 2008-12-28 (almost 7 months ago) and the latest beta release Awstats 6.95 2009-05-29 (almost 2 months old). Bing Search Log Analysis Bing is a new Search engine (new as far as it’s domain name anyway) and so Awstats 6.9 doesn’t include Bing stats reporting. Awstats 6.95 does include Bing stats […]