Comment on Massive Passive Profits Plugin Setting Up a Sub-Domain Blog Template with Talian 05 by Glenn Shimabukuro.

Massive Passive Profits Autoblog Plugin Hi Dave:

Your future Talian version sounds great!

In the line of auto-blogs … is there a way to prevent the default blog post “Hello World” from being created on WordPress? I don’t know what the view of MPP users are regarding this, but it does make the blog site look unprofessional/unfinished when you see a “Hello World” blog post on it. I go back to each blog site and remove it.

Question on Google AdSense Ads: The “Ads by Google” label is replaced by “Why this ad” when I view my sites in FireFox, however, not so in Internet Explorer. Is there a reason why the Google Ads have that label of “Why this ad” when viewed in FireFox?

