The WordPress autoblog plugin that puts your sites content on steroids, generate massive websites easily and earn passive profits.
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The WordPress autoblog plugin that puts your sites content on steroids, generate massive websites easily and earn passive profits.
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WordPress Autoblog Plugin Review
I finally found something on clickbank that really works. When I bought Massive Passive Profits autoblog plugin and Talian theme, I didn’t think about money, but the get some decent traffic on my websites.
After I created some easy autoblog websites on my dating website, I was surprised to see that I currently have 500 new visitors a day. I don’t make money yet, but $2 a day from Google AdSense and between a few cents to a few dollars a day from could be used to pay the internet bills.
WordPress Autoblog Plugin Review
Web Traffic Genius and WP Syndicator Plugins
I’ve not looked into either the Web Traffic Genius plugin or the WP Syndicator plugin (not tried them), so no idea if they are any good. I’ve been looking into the new plugin Bill McRea is about to release, Auto Traffic Nirvana and if used for Massive Passive Passive Profits autoblogs it has potential.
I’ve not tested any of the related posts plugin with sub-domains (I don’t use sub-domains). I’ve still not had time to get past even testing the Massive Passive Profits plugin beyond a development server on a PC (so not a real site). Been so busy with developing Stallion, supporting Talian customers and recently reinstalling a dedicated server three times!!!
Have you tried the “Contextual Related Posts Plugin SEO Version” that I recently uploaded to WordPress SEO Plugins? It’s better than the other related posts plugin I was using and recommending, it has built in thumbnail image facilities. Not had time to try it with Talian 5, but I’ve built some of the code into Stallion 6 so all you have to do is install the plugin and it works with the defaults I set in my version of the plugin.
Web Traffic Genius and WP Syndicator Plugins
Auto Populate WordPress Blog?
Dave – thank you for the first rate customer service. very much appreciated indeed.
Question: can stallion auto populate the sub-domains WordPress blogs thru Massive Passive Profits after the i install stallion on the main sub?
2- can i change the header to include some flash similar to what you have on the stallion site?
3- do flash banners impair seo?
4- where can i find the FB social plugin that you use on the stallion site? Thanks. Yale
Auto Populate WordPress Blog?
WordPress Animated GIF Header Images
Stallion uses the same options system as Talian, so it will work like Talian with the Massive Passive Profits Plugin. When you run Stallion with the MPP plugin active you get a new Massive Passive Profits options page, it’s added after the MPP log file link.
You can’t use Flash for the headers, you can use animated gif’s though.
There’s 10 custom slots for headers, 5 are jpg (static images) and 5 are gif’s which could be animated gifs (that’s what I’m using).
If you wanted to use an animated gif, create an animated gif with the filename c1.gif and upload it to
Using an FTP program like Filezilla.
Go to the Stallion Colour Options page change the header to “Custom 1 gif”.
If you used several animated gif’s you’d change the settings to c2.gif etc…
The header images have no impact on the sites SEO, they are loaded as background images using CSS so not treated as content by search engines.
The Facebook stuff is built into Stallion. The like links at the bottom of every post is under the Promotion Option page and the sidebar Facebook thing is a widget, it’s all automated, just drag and drop it to a sidebar on the widgets page “Appearance” >> “Widgets”.
WordPress Animated GIF Header Images
WordPress Autoblog Plugin SCAM?
Does the Massive Passive Profits WordPress autoblog plugin really work or is it a scam!
Their web page looks like one of those all to often seen product scam pages…
Still at £36.00 for the Massive Passive Profits module it is (relatively) little money
Mark Bowles
Best WordPress SEO Theme
Hi Dave,
I’m just going trough the options of Stallion, it’s jaw dropping! I thought Talian 05 is the best, but this is just out of the roof! Thanks Man!
Wrong HTML Characters
Hi David,
After activating Stallion and starting to config it. I did something wrong which generated question mark characters on my blog articles. Here an example.
Declutter Fast – Best fa? Ons Declutter Your Home Directory Free Online Articles ???????????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Why ????????????????????????????????????????????????? submit articles ????????????????????????? ????????????
Can you please help fix this issue.
Thank you
Wrong HTML Characters
WordPress Autoblog Character Encoding Issues
Highly unlikely to be a WP theme that causes that sort of output, more likely a messed up article the Massive Passive Profits autoblog plugin has scraped. Will be a character encoding issue, for example if it’s Russian characters those can come out as ??????? in WordPress.
Normal with autoblogs and web content scrapers, they get the content from various sources and they use different character encoding.
If you post the URL to one of these posts I’ll take a look.
If you activate another theme, does the messed up content still look messed up? Would confirm it’s not a theme issue, you could check via the themes page “Appearance >> Themes” and preview the website in another theme and browse to the post in question (try TwentyTen).
WordPress Autoblog Character Encoding Issues
Best Premium WordPress Theme
David you have really out did yourself on this theme and I think it’s going to be hard to out do yourself here but I guess you have been all ready thinking about that because I read some were you are going to update it sometime down the road.
Great work on your premium WP theme and good luck.
Thanks Glenn