Comment on WP Autoblog Plugin Support by SEO Dave.

Massive Passive Profits Autoblog Plugin Was worth a try, looks like it is a multisite/widget issue. When I get some time I’ll setup another WordPress multisite test blog and see if I can replicate the error and try to find a code fix.

You can build a site template using the Blog Template Plugin (it’s part of the Massive Passive Profits Autoblog Plugin setup).

The idea is you create a sub-domain with all the settings, plugins, widgets etc… you want on your autoblog sub-domains (don’t add content to the test sub-domain as that content will be added to your new autoblogs). Then create a blog Template from it with the blog Template plugin and use that template to generate your autoblogs without having to setup all the settings each time.

Not tested it myself, so not 100% sure how it works, but sounds a very useful WordPress plugin for multisite setups generally.
