Comment on Stallion Responsive Mailing List by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme Released Stallion Responsive 8.2 on January 1st and a small bug fix on the 2nd, so Stallion Responsive users should be seeing the 8.2.1 update available under their WordPress Dashboards. Also updated the Stallion Responsive Child Theme to v8.2 which includes three new header/banner image sets (dogs, kittens and wild flowers). Both the main theme and child theme zip files can be downloaded at

Note: to update a child theme download the child theme zip file, extract on your PC and upload using FTP.

As the subject of this mailing states, Stallion Responsive is currently on sale (Christmas sale), but not for much longer, so if you haven’t already purchased a license, don’t wait too long.

The 8.2 update is another huge leap in features.

Been hearing the Stallion theme series looks dated for sometime and agree some of the styles I’ve developed aren’t that inspiring.

To bring even more options into how to style a WordPress site I’d split the styling into two parts in Stallion 8.1:
Layout (how wide sidebars are etc…)
Colour (font colours and font styles)

This worked quite well, but meant to use a different font family and font sizes required building a new colour scheme. With Stallion 8.2 I’ve split the colour part into two parts so now colours and fonts are separate, so we now have:

Layout (how wide sidebars are etc…)
Colour (font colours)
Font (font styles)

Means we can build a new colour scheme and use it with any of the current font schemes, or build a new font scheme and use it with any of the current colour schemes. This multiplies the number of possible theme styles possible, currently in 8.2 there are:

12 Layouts
32 Colour Schemes
26 Font Schemes

Which means there’s a total of 12 x 32 x 26 = 9,984 theme styles.

If I/you create just one new layout or colour or font scheme it adds 384 new combinations.

For the font families I’ve used websafe fonts (will work on all devices).

These sites for example use…

Layout = #3 Main Content 660px : Left sidebar 310px
Colour = White n Dark Blue
Font = Times New Roman, Times, serif Rounded Corners

Want something a bit out there, what about neon yellow and comic sans.
Layout = #3 Main Content 660px : Left sidebar 310px
Colour = Neon Yellow
Font = Comic Sans MS, cursive, sans-serif Rounded Corners

Also made a neon green, neon pink, neon purple and neon red, so if you like over the top colour schemes or feel like your site should look like it’s been hacked by the Matrix, go for it…

Layout = #3 Main Content 660px : Left sidebar 310px
Colour = White n Dark Blue
Font = Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif

There are 9,984 combinations, the above are the main settings, you can also set these on a post by post basis (every post on the posts edit page can have a different layout, colour, font combination).

Layout = #3 Main Content 660px : Left sidebar 310px (same as main layout)
Colour = White n Red
Font = Georgia, serif

Layout = #3 Main Content 660px : Left sidebar 310px (same as main layout)
Colour = Dazzling Blue and Cayenne
Font = Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif

Layout = 1 – Main Content 760px : Left Sidebar 210px
Colour = Light n Marsala
Font = Times New Roman, Times, serif

I do like the Marsala colour (like a red wine), have a colour scheme with more colour called White n Marsala : Have been using the website for colour inspiration, Pantone produces colour trends for fashion designers etc… for example Marsala is supposed to be big for 2015.

This is just a taste of the new Stallion Responsive 8.2 customizations possible.

Many of the main Stallion options can now be overwrote on a post by post basis, want just one post with a top banner image of kittens, not a problem:
Want the site to have AdSense ads, but on your posts which are selling a product/service not to have any ads, not a problem:
Want a custom header image above the main title, not a problem:

You can now disable or enable almost everything on a post by post basis, the possibilities are almost infinite.

There’s plenty of other new features as well like lazy loading images (improves performance, faster site = better Google rankings), but without using Jquery: most lazy load plugins require Jquery which slows a site down. So you add lazy loading to speed a site up by adding a huge 100KB javascript file, didn’t make sense, so found a solution (thanks to a Stallion Responsive user: thanks Erik) called Rocket Lazy Load Images. The stand alone plugin has a major flaw (when javascript is disabled there’s a big block where the image should be) I’ve fixed in the built it Stallion version (mines better :-)).

Almost forgot, also added social media Open Graph meta tags using the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin data format (Yoast data will work with Stallion, Stallion data will work with Yoast).

There’s lots of new options scattered through the options pages, for example we can turn off the continue reading links or set the header image to load above the main title area.

BTW Don’t respond to this email, it’s the mailing list email address and it will bounce back to you unread.

David Law

Stallion Responsive the Best WordPress SEO Package Online
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