Comment on Stallion Responsive Mailing List by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme Why Yoast SEO Sucks

Wrote a new article which pretty much rips pieces off the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin and Genesis themes so called SEO features on site speed.

I know many of you still use Yoast SEO, but Yoast SUCKS SEO wise, has so few SEO features.

Yoast really does SUCK BIG TIME. which runs under WordPress, Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, Genesis Theme Framework and a Yoast Genesis Child Theme the Google PageSpeed Insights results are DISMAL!!!

In two months time it will be 2015, it’s time to move on from Yoast.

If you’ve been checking your Google Page Speed Insights Tool Results (check yours now at this year you’ll understand where Google is moving in terms of site speed and usability metrics.

If you have webpages on your WordPress site with insights tool rankings as low as Yoast’s (Mobile 27/100) you should fix them now. relies on the millions of backlinks it’s generated (PR6 home page) for rankings, they can afford to have sucky on-site SEO, can you?

More PageSpeed Insights information: and

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David Law

Stallion Responsive the Best WordPress SEO Package Online
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