Comment on Google Consultant by Matt Inertia.
I read your post, of course. I found it through a search and as you’re one of the few people on the web talking about the same topic i thought id show you my post of a similar nature.
Im not just after a link, whether its nofollow or not isnt the issue for me.
The thought was that you might like to read my post and leave your own comment, because of direct relevance in the subject manner. If I’m lucky you may become a regular reader and I believe thats called industry interaction and networking.
Personally I think using the term Google Consultant without any kind of nod from Google is unethical and its one of the many tricks that less scrupulous SEOs use to pick up clients (but there are some areas (analytics, adwords) where Google provide consultancy courses).
Btw, found this post doing a vanity search some time after the comment so sorry for the delay.
More Comments by Matt Inertia
SEO Google Consultant
Google Consultant Job Title
Hi there!
I’ve just done a post about this very issue and in all honesty it takes a slightly different tone to yours!
I really cant see any justifiable reason to call yourself a Google Consultant, it implies a lot more than …
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