Comment on Forever Autumn AdSense WP Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme Forever Autumn Template From a search engine optimization comparison Stallion is far more advanced than Forever Autumn (hence the price difference).

Forever Autumn is one of my earlier theme conversions and quite basic in customization terms, you add your AdSense ID and that’s all you can do, all the SEO features are static (you can’t change them).

With Stallion there’s over 300 options you can change via easy to use options pages, there’s 6 ad networks (not just AdSense) I also add new theme colour schemes to Stallion, will probably add the Forever Autumn colour scheme to Stallion in the future (currently you can’t add Forever Autumn to Stallion).

In the next Stallion update (trying to release this month) I’ve so far added another 2 colour schemes, TwentEleven and TwentyTen. If you plan to make lots of sites Stallion is a good choice, there’s currently 27 color schemes and 9 layouts: in the next update so far there’s 29 colour schemes and 13 layouts (4 new layouts due).

Although Stallion is an advanced theme it’s not a theme you have to learn how to use before you can create a great looking site. If you wanted a site like this one it’s not a lot of options changes for the basic look and feel, to achieve something like this site would require changing half a dozen options (tick boxes and drop down menus). Some themes are a pain to use and not easy to create a site that looks like the demos shown by the theme author, Stallion is built so the users doesn’t have to do much to generate a great looking site (I own 100 domains, I don’t want to be customizing them all, half a dozen options changes and a site is done!).
