Comment on Clickbank WordPress Themes by Mark.

Clickbank WordPress Themes Dave, these will be great updates.
One of my friend bought your theme and did a good job altering the look with CSS. It is not perfect as he is more of a writer and knows nothing about css but it is pretty good. if you want to see it. He modeled it off the clean look of the Wall Street Journal. It goes to show you what can be done even if you are a none techy with your theme.
Your code is gold and a result of countless hours of thought. But the CSS can be modified if people want a different look on their site.

We both have bought your theme and we are planning a team effort to create a real ‘wow’ first page that will be our home page on our sites. That is create a template for page.php and make the first page really something else. Maybe like CNN or WSJ or BBC or some site we really like.

That is, create separate regions for videos, news, new articles, links to a buddypress or bbpress community etc. Many major sites have a personalized first page that is really like a user landing page so we are going to try to make something like this. Again your theme has a lot of flexibility on the design side and we thought we would take a try at it. Two proverbial English major type guys hacking css. If we can do it anyone can. (My wife got me a ‘WordPress Geek t-shirt’ for my birthday).

If it comes out good, you are welcome to the code.

One think you might want to check is does your tag page have a rogue extra google ad on it right out of the box? I modified the placement and numbers, so much I am not sure but I thought it might. Also I think the label one on adsense php might refer to something else.

I can not believe it but you are like the only one on the web making themes and plugins that are aware of the issues mentioned above in your comment. This includes some people charging a pretty penny for premium plugins and themes. This is why your theme is the one I use.