Comment on Promote Clickbank Affiliate Products by SEO Dave.

Stallion SEO Ad Theme I just submitted Stallion to the Clickbank affiliate program marketplace for approval, assuming no problems says it takes three to five business days for approval (so should be active before next weekend). If you wish to be informed when it’s active please join the mailing list on the top right menu.

I’ve included several Stallion Ad banners with the theme in the folder /stallion-cbaf/ (there’s also a text file in that folder with example hop links). I’m using two of the banner ads on this site that appear roughly 10 seconds after the page loads. When you set your Clickbank username on the main Stallion Theme options page those banners turn into affiliate links (uses your Clickbank hop link code so you receive a share of the revenue), also the Stallion footer links becomes a Clickbank hop link as well (note: you don’t have to turn Clickbank on, just set your Clickbank username).

The two Stallion ad banners are built in widgets (“Stallion Affiliate Banner” and “Stallion Affiliate Banner for Content Ad Widget”) can be added to the widget areas found in the widgets page under “Appearance” >> “Widgets”.

If you are a Talian 5 user you should definitely checkout the new widget areas in Stallion 6, it opens up a lot of new possibilities not available in Talian 5 as we’ve gone from two widget areas (left and right sidebar) to NINE widget areas including 4 specifically designed for adding custom ads and the built in widget ads.
