Comment on Foreign Investors Economic Impact by Another Millionaire.
Hi i am totally agreed to the foreign Millionaire.
UK nw has turned to be a land of asylum seeker. recently one of my friend who run away from a poor country got the British passport.
in private all his friends knows that he cheated UK government. even his wife have an indefinite leave to remain in UK. this all tells the story of UK where the people who dnt have any money and British government happy with this people. actually British government is confuse about what to do and what to not.
when i saw Muslim people having words in their mouth that Britain will be an Islamic country soon i believe it will happen. so far so i am concerned about the way British people and government not understanding about the future and well from my experience i find out that the most scared and having no confidence are the people from Uk.
recently i came across 3 guys from uk having holiday in India. they were coming from agra “Tajmahal” city. and i was shocked that for two months holiday they have a budget of only 1400 pounds.
Even that much money i spend in 15 days on the things like parties, traveling. so i know now that we are more better placed than them and we now need to show them the same attitude as what this British people show us on their soil.
i came across with the same situation about airport and money things and i simply reply them that even the money purse i am carrying with me is more expensive than your car.
haha. so happy being an indian and proud to be an indian.