Comment on Foreign Investors Economic Impact by Raheela Ahmed.

UK Foreign Direct Investment Why does the UK government allow so many immigrants here and let them stay here on marriage visas. They are quick to dish out Indefinite Leave to Remain to fraudulent scum who should live n die in their rotten homelands.

They come here marrying unfortunate British girls, only to abandon them even the kids they have with them, soon after they get Indefinite Leave. Then the girl- the victim of this evil trend is forced to rely on benefits.

So why are these scum allowed to remain? They come to the UK, have kids to guarantee their stay, up and leave and pass their responsibilities onto the government. Then worst of all they are eligible to apply for British Citizenship in their own right after 5 years.

Only people who have something of worth to offer the country should be allowed access to the UK, such as these business people. However, if the government were more stringent when dealing with marriage visas and employed a longer term of limited leave then they would end up shifting thousands of these devils back to the squalor they came from.