Comment on Brand Marketing Strategy by SEO Dave.
The AdSense ads can be turned off really easily, you edit one page and change a 1 to a 0.
Been asked this before so explained it in other comments.
Basically change a 1 to a 0 and remove the Advert widget through the widget editor interface (using widgets is the easiest way to do it).
If you remove the AdSense ads you’ll have a fully SEO optimized WordPress site without ads, this makes no difference to how search engines treat the site, so you’ll get the same rankings either way.
The code of my themes are as optimized pretty much to the max, so as long as you use your keywords when creating posts etc… you should get much more traffic than if you used a standard WordPress theme.
Put another way if you name your posts like this-
What Happen to me Today, Life Sucks!
When the post is really about how your car insurance company screwed you out of an insurance claim on your car that was wrote of by no fault of your own. Then you are not going to get a lot of search engine traffic.
A post about the above should be named accordingly like-
Car Insurance Company Will Not Pay My Claim!
This covers many relevant keywords. Then you use the above keywords and related phrases to enforce those SERPs within the content.
You can see a post of mine
Currently the page is number 5 for the “Direct Line Car Insurance” search in Google.
My SEO optimized themes help well constructed content in gaining better SERPs, but without a little thought into that content and the themes have nothing to work with.
All my themes are optimized so from an SEO point of view they all work the same way (they all use the same code). which to choose is up to you, which themes look most closely matches your sites content? That’s the one to choose.
The Talian theme is one of my favorites, works well with many sites. I use it on a lot of my own sites. Funny really as didn’t like Talian at first :-)
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