Comment on Blix AdSense WordPress Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress Blix Theme Bit behind on comments, had a major dedicated server problem and had to find a new one (took over a month to move!!).

Blix with AdSense/SEO is based on the original Blix theme (which is quite old now) with various updates I’ve collected from the Internet and code problems I solved myself.

is running the version you get when you pay using the PayPal link above.

I’ve made no edits to the theme shown on that site. Recently added full widget support so no need for me to manually edit a theme now (just use the new built in Widget editor page).

Most font sizes are the same that came with the original Blix except for the header text which I reduced in size a little if I recall correctly because with long blog names it wrapped. If you understand CSS a little pretty easy to increase font size.

The theme does work without an AdSense account since you can turn adds off by editing a file (change a 1 to a 0 which is in the documentation). Leaves one minor issue though, the Advert menu section is still visible, (though lacks the ad, so an empty small box) but since the theme is fully Widget compatible it’s easy to build a menu that lacks that menu section (just add the menu items you want and leave that one out). If you create an AdSense account add that menu item back in and change that 0 to a 1 :-)

The original Blix lacked the tagline code and I haven’t added it. In hindsight I should so when I get some time will see if it works with a tagline in the header somewhere and if it does send out an update. If you want to take a crack at it yourself this is the sort of code to add to header.php-

<p><?php bloginfo(‘description’); ?></p>

Without seeing the code of the page displaying the PayPal button I’d guess you’ve specified a height/width that makes it look 3 times bigger than it really is.
