Comment on Bill McRea Complaints by SEO Dave.

Bill McRea Complaints Will try to answer these best I can, if I miss anything LMK.

1. You can change the size on any AdSense ad unit by editing the adsense.php file, there’s instructions in that file and within one of the readme files with the theme. In Stallion 6 (Talian 5 update) those settings are built into the options pages (there’s 9 options pages in Stallion 6).

2. Sounds like you are talking about the excerpt which is an SEO feature of Talian, I’ve described ways to create a richer home page etc… at Massive Passive Profits Autoblog Plugin and Talian WordPress SEO Theme Support article (Post Teaser Plugin).

3. In Talian 5 the widgets are limited to the sidebars only, to add say a banner ad to a non sidebar area you’d need to edit template files and paste the code into a template. In Stallion 6 I’ve added new widget areas in multiple locations (within the header, below the header, where the banners are, where the main AdSense ad floats and above the footer) where you can add text widgets which can include almost any code. Stallion 6 will be released in days.

4. I checked your site linked in your name and I couldn’t access the WordPress feed that’s normally accessed via . I would guess a plugin you are using has broken the feed. This is just a guess, try disabling plugins and check the feed URL for your site.

5. Not sure why your widgets wouldn’t stick. Others using the Massive Passive Profits plugin have reported issues with widgets and the MPP plugin, I’m not familiar enough with the plugin to know what the issue is (what causes it), but others have said if you don’t match your sub-domain widgets with the main site it can mess up.

I would suggest reducing the number of stuff you’ve installed on your site (it’s a bit of a mess) and add things back one at a time to check for problems. For example something is causing your site to register an error when it loads in Internet Explorer (“Done but with errors”). IME that’s usually a javascript issue (probably a plugin or one of the text widgets).
