Comment on Beautiful Sunrise AdSense WordPress Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress Beautiful Sunrise Theme You are right you’ve not setup the Beautiful Sunrise theme correctly.

You have to edit the adsense.php file and change my AdSense publisher ID number that looks like this:

$GoogleADID = "pub-8325072546567078";

to yours. Doesn’t matter if you add the ca- part or not, both versions will work.

You can double check if you’ve done it correctly by viewing source of your home page (File >> View Source) if you see pub-8325072546567078 within the code (as you do on your site right now) you’ve done it wrong. When you see your pub-number you’ve done it right.

If you’ve installed using FTP edit the adsense.php file before uploading the theme files, it’s the file found at /beautiful-sunrise-adsense-seo-03/adsense.php not the file within the /beautiful-sunrise-adsense-seo-03/alt-files/adsense.php folder (that’s an alternative AdSense setup with smaller ad sizes).

If you installed via the built in WordPress theme installer and edited the file online via the WordPress theme editor make sure you edit the adsense.php file that starts with

Beautiful Sunrise Google AdSense Code


Beautiful Sunrise Google AdSense Code Alt

If you see the latter you’ve edited the wrong file, look for the adsense.php that lacks Alt.
