Comment on Almost Spring AdSense WordPress Theme by Mark.
Dave, thank you the reply. I will probably buy your Talian theme anyway as I think it is your workhorse in terms on Adsense templates. I think you mentioned this has a night click rate.
For me it took about one day for my theme I bought from you to pay for itself.
I usually recommend you to people, I am curious why some people actually do not take my advice and buy your themes as the return on investment is high. I am not trying to make you look good, rather I am grateful. Since I bought your theme(s) I have a nice income stream.
I am sorry to hear about the hack. It is a royal pain. I am lucky only one of my sites was hacked, spammer set links up on my site and banned it.
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AdSense WordPress Theme
Almost Spring SEO Theme Update?
Hi Dave, Do you know when you will, or if you will update Almost Spring to 04?
Best regards …
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AdSense WordPress Theme
WordPress Footer AdSense Ads
Thank you very much for creating this useful high quality theme.
I installed it but only see two google ads per page, so I added my own at the footer.
I guess you did not universally include the side bar google ad, …
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