Comment on SEO AdSense WordPress Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense Publisher ID The SEO Super Comments content is outside the widget display options, basically the SEO Super Comments are considered single posts, so if you don’t add AdSense to single posts it won’t show on the SEO Super Comments.

Based on what you’ve already done the easiest solution would be to edit the php file that’s used for the SEO Super Comments content and that’s single-2.php and add the same AdSense ad code (plus formatting) you added to the Text Widget.

Since the main AdSense ad unit is turned off the code for it can be replaced by the Text Widget version of the AdSense code

So find and replace this with the text widgets AdSense code

<?php if(st_adsense_on()=='1' && st_adsense_con1()=='0' && stmetaadsoffor()=='on'){if ($wp_query->current_post == st_adsense_main_ad()){echo('<div class="' . st_adsense_float() . '">'); st_adsense_insert(st_adsense_01());?>
</div><?php }} ?>

Although since AdSense is turned off you don’t even have to delete it, you can add it either above or below that code. That should give you the same AdSense ad you are using in the text widget on all the SEO Super Comments pages as well.

BTW as you are modifying Stallion PHP files you should look into using a Stallion child theme (there’s a free one on the site). After activating a Stallion Child theme rather than modifying the main Stallion PHP files you copy them into the child themes folder and modify them there. For example you’d copy single-2.php into the child theme folder, edit it as above leaving the original untouched, when a child theme is active Stallion looks for all the php files in the child them folder first, if a file is found it’s loaded instead of the PHP file in the main Stallion folder. When you update main Stallion you won’t loose your edited files since they’ll all be within the child theme folder. This is also true for CSS files as well, basically put all your modified files in th child theme folder. If you find your modified files don’t work with a Stallion update it should be much easier to track down which files/changes are causing a conflict. Makes updating so much easier, right now you’d need to track every file you’ve modified and replicate the code changes into the next update: I’ve done this and it’s a PAIN to manage updates!
