Comment on SEO AdSense WordPress Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense Publisher ID AdSense randomized placement within the main content isn’t easy code wise, would have to count X many characters, words, paragraphs (count something) and insert the ad at that location. The problem with this sort of AdSense insertion is there’s going to be scenarios that the code insertion breaks something within the posts content!

Great idea, but not practical.

I have thought about a short code system like some AdSense plugins use. All Stallion AdSense ads are automated which makes it very easy to use, the Adsense plugins with shortcodes requires the user to paste a shortcode on every post exactly where the AdSense ad unit should load which means it’s a pain to use. A blend of the above features would make a great feature addition. AdSense ad placement is automated (like it is now) unless a shortcode is added, if a shortcode is added the default automated ad unit is disabled and the shortcode ad unit is loaded instead.

It’s not randomized in the sense of the ads loading in a different location every page load, but each post could have a different ad placement. Actually thinking about it you could add multiple shortcodes to a post and have the one used randomized.

Delaying AdSense ads is a features I want to add.

Also want to add a by posts/page ad unit control so users can turn ads off for specific posts, I added a quick CSS fix in the last update which is explained at Stallion WordPress Theme AdSense Setup “How to Hide AdSense ads on a Post by Post Basis” but it’s not user friendly like a set of checkboxes. For static pages there’s also the page templates without ads. In the next Stallion release I’ve added the ability to use templates for Categories, (currently one template that loads the full content on categories rather than excerpts) so you could create a category template without ads.

Currently working on another massive update for Stallion 6.3 (see next comment I post) so won’t be making a start on the AdSense changes this update.
