Comment on SEO AdSense WordPress Theme by Paul Zagoridis.

AdSense Publisher ID A feature I’d love to see is the ability to A/B test AdSense ads.

I’ve used both javascript and PHP methods to serve one ad 50% and another 50% of the time. Those percentages can be changed. I prefer PHP methods as the show source reveals javascript methods.

When combined with tracking custom channels (in adsense) I’ve found that text ads earn 200% more than image ads of the same size on some sites. I a/b test for 250 to 1000 impressions of each ad. 250 is only enough if there is overwhelming evidence.

Trickier is to a/b test competing ad units of different size or even different layouts altogether. I can’t think of a good way to test that without breaking a theme. Radical design changes would probably require a/b testing with different themes.