Comment on How to Add AdSense to WordPress by SEO Dave.

Online WordPress Theme Editor Glad you got some of it working :)

The WordPress main page is usually the index.php file, but some themes don’t follow that convention.

Also look for-

Archive(s).php and even Categories.php all depends on what the theme creator used at the time!

One of the themes I’ve worked on called Beautiful Sunrise uses the index.php file as the single.php page and the index page info is found in home.php

Some themes also have parts of the theme within smaller files that are then included. For example you might find the post content part of all the different archive type php files are within a file like this. If this is the case you will be looking for a relatively low code page (not a lot of text) with the function




If you find a function like this you have a page that probably creates a content part of a page, the excerpt function is almost certainly an archive type page since it shows an excerpt of the content.

Good luck :)

David Law