Comment on How to Add AdSense to WordPress by SEO Dave.

Online WordPress Theme Editor Stallion 8 will include responsive AdSense ads without having to add your own AdSense ad units (you won’t have to create multiple AdSense ad units within your AdSense account and paste them into a themes options page), like with Stallion 7 add your AdSense pub-###### code once and Stallion generates the rest of the ad units. As far as I’m aware no other theme or AdSense plugin does what Stallion 8 will do.

AdSense has released responsive AdSense code, it’s Responsive Ad Unit Beta. When you add a responsive ad unit to a site (by going to your AdSense account, create a Responsive Ad Unit Beta including setting font colours etc… and copy and paste the entire code to a theme/plugins options page) AdSense will automatically choose the best ad size for the device size, basically it will scale down.

The problem with this approach is it sucks for WordPress theme and plugin developers and the user, we have to supply a form for entering entire ad units that the user has to create under their AdSense accounts (to replicate what Stallion 7 does you’d need to create 7 AdSense ad units) and this tends to result in copy and paste mistakes: In Stallion 7 (and Stallion 8) all you have to add is the pub-############ code once, yet I’ve had dozens of support requests due to mistakes in copying and pasting!

Currently testing Stallion 8 live at I can’t show every feature on one site, but you can see the responsive AdSense ads in action and the top header image responsiveness including Stallion 8s new responsive navigation menu.

Easiest way to test the mobile responsiveness of a site on a desktop PC is load it in a browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome…) and slowly reduce the size of the browser window: this quickly emulates various device widths (I don’t own a dozen mobile phones for testing :-)) and it’s much quicker than using a mobile device emulator.

Stallion 8 is mobile optimized for the following device screen widths : 1,000px (Desktop), 800px 720px 640px 600px 540px 480px 400px 360px, 320px and 240px. I believe this covers the vast majority of device widths, if anyone thinks I’ve missed some…
