Comment on Ad Clerum WordPress AdSense Theme by SEO Dave.
Not unusual to see unrelated ads at first especially if this is the first time the sites had AdSense on it.
It’s a WordPress blog so not surprising if the AdSense bot hasn’t decided what a page is about it will default to blog like ads: you have a blogroll, rss feeds, comments and of course in the code references to WordPress (not sure if AdSense looks at where the template files are located) all suggesting your site is a blog.
Give it time and it should improve, but don’t be worried if a few ads still don’t make sense as some advertisers do blanket type advertising and will take any traffic (basically very, very cheap advertising).
David Law
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AdSense WordPress Theme
How the GoogleAdBot Works
Glad you like the theme :)
Like you I’ve noticed a tendency for the home page of a new WordPress site or one with AdSense just added to have less relevant ads than deeper content on the same domain.
I’m not sure …
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AdSense WordPress Theme
Add WordPress Widgets to a Sidebar
That’s right, as soon as you add a widget what was on that sidebar is removed. You then add exactly which menu items you want.
When adding widgets try to aim for the ones with GAT in the name before using …
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