Removing WordPress Generator Version and Other Code From the Head
When a site running WordPress loads there’s quite a lot of code in the <head> that some would argue is useless information. The most publicised of these is the WordPress Generator meta tag which lists you are running WordPress and the WordPress version number. It’s arguable this is a potential WordPress security issue, although it’s a way for potential hackers to find WordPress blogs running out of date versions of WordPress there’s plenty of other ways hackers can find an out of date WP install: the readme.html file for example (try loading ), won’t load because I delete it after each update, try it on your site and you’ll see something like this: So even if you remove the […]
WordPress Theme Header Images
The Stallion Responsive Theme includes two built in header areas, these can be turned on/off independently of each other meaning you can have a WordPress blog with. Header area 1 (Stallion 2011 Header Area) Header area 2 (Alternative Stallion Header Area) 2 header entire areas (looks rubbish) Combination of the two (half of one, half of the other). No header areas This gives the Stallion Responsive theme users full control over how their WordPress blogs header area behaves and it’s all controlled by a few clicks of the mouse. Stallion Theme Header Areas Under “Stallion Theme” >> “Layout Options” : “Stallion Header Areas” you will find the following options that turn the header areas on/off: Each of the two WordPress […]
InfoLinks Ads Tutorial
InfoLinks Native Advertising is built into the Stallion Responsive Theme making adding InfoLinks ads to WordPress easier than with a standard WordPress theme. Signup for a Free InfoLinks Account. Login to InfoLinks Click the “My Account” tab followed by “Website(s)”. Here you will find your Infolinks account PID number and the wsid code for each domain (you have to submit all domains you want to use InfoLinks on). InfoLinks Text Ads Code Copy the PID number. Adding InfoLinks Native Advertising to WordPress Under your WordPress Dashboard go to “Stallion Theme” >> “In-Text Ad Options” Paste this PID number into the “Infolinks Publisher ID” box and tick the “InfoLinks Ads ON” tick box and copy and paste the unique WSID number […]
Kontera Ads Tutorial
Kontera Native Advertising is built into the Stallion Responsive Theme making adding Kontera ContentLink ads to WordPress easier than with a standard WordPress theme. Signup for a Free Kontera Account. Login to Kontera Click the “Kontera Setup” tab. Click “Create Tag” sub tab. Select the website you want to add Kontera ads to, you need to submit all sites you want to run Kontera ads on, each domain has it’s own dc_PublisherID number. Within the code box on the Kontera setup page you will see something like this: var dc_PublisherID = 169700 ; Copy the number (in this case “169700”). Kontera Text Ads Code Adding Kontera Native Advertising to WordPress under your WordPress Dashboard go to “Stallion Theme” >> “In-Text […]
WordPress Navigation Menu with Images
The Stallion Responsive Theme and Stallion WordPress SEO Theme include a built in WordPress nav menu with images. The Stallion WordPress photo navigation menu is built outside the default WordPress nav menu system (the navigation menu that tends to be below the header), so you can have both running at the same time. The Stallion photo navigation menu comprises of 5 image links, the 5 menu items in Stallion Responsive can link to anything, static Pages, blog posts, categories, custom links… WordPress Menu Images Below is a screenshot of the Good Karma Blog with a Stallion photo navigation menu. The image nav menu uses ‘concertina fold’ javascript code to reveal/hide the nav images, as you hoverover the menu links the […]
Make Money From Public Domain Content
I’ve owned classic literature sites for almost as long as I’ve been researching search engine optimization, developed my first literature sites as a means to an end, used public domain content (classic books) to generate large websites (thousands of web pages) with what I thought would be the SEO benefit of tens of thousands of webpages would increase PR to my important websites. Although new webpages do generate an intrinsic amount of PageRank (so do have SEO value) it’s so small it’s impractical as a means to generate PR for other sites: takes links with PR to keep webpages indexed, so it costs links to keep Google indexing the pages created for generating PR. So not a good SEO idea […]