Text Link Brokers
Text Link Brokers SEO Link Building Company offers a variety of SEO link services aimed at increasing search engine rankings through link building. Why is Link Building Important? Google in particular relies on quality backlinks to a webpage/site, if you own websites that rank high in Google for search phrases that are competitive your site almost certainly has a decent number of high quality backlinks. Websites tend not to do well in Google until they have a reasonable backlink profile and building backlinks is a constant SEO task, can take up a LOT of a webmasters time. Build Quality Backlinks There is nothing more important SEO wise than quality backlinks, a poorly search engine optimized website can rank high due […]
Text Links from Directories
Many SEO experts recommend submitting your website to many link directories such as DMOZ. IF (and it’s a big if) your website is accepted for the directory you’ll gain a text link or two. This route to gaining backlinks can be a lot of SEO work and a lot of directories expect a link back (from the home page seems the norm which should be avoided for SEO reasons) for their link! Link Directory SEO Value Unless you have an important site (then you won’t need text links from link directories!) you’ll probably find your link deep within the navigation structure of the directory on a low PR (PageRank) page. Don’t make the SEO mistake of seeing a PR8 home […]
SEO Advice on PageRank Sculpting
PageRank Sculpting article updated August 2014… PageRank (PR) confuses a lot of webmasters and SEO Consultants. Many years ago another SEO expert asked me why the site statcounter.com is PR10** despite having a lot of external links on the home page, basically why isn’t the leaked PR (via external links) damaging the sites PR10 home page: the SEO consultant didn’t believe PR leaks and that domain supported his SEO argument regarding PR sculpting. ** As I update this article in 2014 the PR of the domain has dropped to PR8, this doesn’t necessarily mean the site’s lost significantly more than half it’s backlinks. PageRank is based on the entire WWW, well at least the part Google spiders and since I […]
SEO and Static vs Dynamic URLs
This SEO question appears on most SEO forums from time to time and is another generally misunderstood SEO topic and one all SEO consultants should understand. What’s a static HTML page? The classic static web page is generated from an actual page ‘physically’ located on the server: so if you had a page named static-page.html somewhere on your server you could find and download this page (it exists, you could grab it via FTP). The very first websites all used static HTML pages and so the first search engines cut their teeth on static web pages. What’s a dynamically generated web page? As the web developed a new way to generate websites arrived, dynamically generated web pages. They differ from […]
How to Upgrade Mailman Mailing List Tutorial
Spent half a day trying to figure out Mailman mailing list under Virtualmin (control panel) and Centos 6.4 Apache server. Problem one was turns out the Godaddy VPS Centos 6.4 repository (the one Godaddy recommends) I’m using has not updated the mailman script for YEARS. The Godaddy VPS server this domain is running on was running Mailman v2.1.12 from I think 2009 when Mailman v2.1.18 from May 2014 was available. Should I Upgrade Mailman? I didn’t NEED to upgrade per se (Mailman 2.1.12 works), but since old software tends to have more security vulnerabilities and less features than new versions, I always upgrade when I can. Life is very easy with a server when you can type “yum update” in […]
For those not familiar with the SEO silo concept, in a nutshell you try to theme or niche every part of a site to a specific content niche so as many of the elements on each webpage support THAT web pages SERPs NOT the site as a whole or other sections of the website. No idea why it was termed SEO silo and not SEO content theming or SEO content niching since silos are large storage devices, used for storing grain, coal etc… below is an image of a grain silo, I just don’t see the relationship? SEO Silo? SEO silo is really niching or theming your content into a distinct organizational structure that limits interaction with non niched content. […]