Duplicate Title Tags SEO
Under Google Webmaster Tools “Search Appearance” >> “HTML Improvements” >> “Duplicate title tags” shows webpages with duplicate title tags.
In a perfect SEO world all webpages on your website would have unique title tags, in this WordPress SEO tutorial we cover how to find and how to fix duplicate title tags paying particular attention to how Stallion Responsive helps reduce duplicate title tags.
BlackHat SEO
Open letter to the blackhat SEO community. Dear BlackHat Community, I was a blackhat SEO before it was called blackhat SEO (I’m apparently old :-)). I was spamming guestbooks, forums and comments for links before we had tools for automatically SPAMMING links and at the time (pre 2004-2005) it worked really well, I once had a domain (eccomerce site) with a PR8 home page from link spamming with loads of competitive top 3 Google SERPs. The black hat SEO techniques I used worked really well 10 years ago, made me a lot of money, but the techniques used by the black hat community have evolved and so has Google. BlackHat SEO blackhat SEO, not such a good way to do […]
PageSpeed Insights
Since the release of the free Google PageSpeed Insights Tool I’ve spent a LOT of time trying to get this website to rank as close to 100/100 via the WordPress SEO Package I develop and currently (September 2014) stuck at: Mobile 77/100 User Experience 99/100 Desktop 91/100 See the Live PageSpeed Insights Results. These are very good PageSpeed Insights results and going to be hard to improve, not because I can’t get better results, but I can’t get better results without turning important website features off. I could get to something like these results: Mobile 96/100 User Experience 100/100 Desktop 98/100 By turning a few website features off (would take two minutes to achieve) including the Facebook and Google+ social […]
WordPress Theme Creator
Many WordPress themes have font and colour options allowing the creation of unique WordPress themes, but not many have the ability to create brand new WordPress theme colour schemes on a single theme options page AND export those new generated colour schemes to other WordPress sites. Stallion Responsive does. To access the Stallion Responsive colour scheme builder features go to “Stallion Theme” >> “Colour Options” : “Colour Scheme CSS Inline/File Creator Selector” Here you will find three options Colour Scheme CSS OFF Colour Scheme CSS Inline ON Colour Scheme CSS File Creator ON “Colour Scheme CSS OFF” = don’t use the creator feature it’s like the code that generates the feature doesn’t exist, this is like deactivating a plugin under […]
Mailing List
Sign up to the Stallion Responsive Mailing List and receive regular updates about the Stallion Responsive WordPress SEO Package and this website. I hate being SPAMMED via mailing lists, in the comments you will find previous list messages, if those are the types of messages you don’t wish to see don’t join the list :-) David Law
Google Panda SEO
Looking back at Stallion Responsive traffic stats (on this website which runs the Stallion Responsive WordPress SEO Package) and looks like the Google Panda 4.0 algorithm update (from May 2014) liked Stallion Responsive 8 a LOT. The sessions (unique visits) on this domain according to Google Analytics increased by around 40% looking at the period just before the Google Panda 4.0 update and about a month after the algo update. That’s a nice chunk of new traffic and it’s stable Google Panda 4.0 Traffic Increase The screenshot above is from Google Analytics for this domain, it’s two screenshots in one of the same Google Analytics graph hovering over different periods, a before and after Google Panda 4 time periods. Added […]