Comment on WordPress Theme SEO by Susanne.

Stallion Responsive WordPress SEO Advanced Options Can you please explain a couple of things a bit further please.

1 – Where do I set it to automatically use the ‘featured image’ that I have currently uploaded to each post? When I am on my ‘all posts’ page I only see the ‘featured image’ I originally used and not the Stallion Featured Thumbnail uploaded under the “Stallion Featured Thumbnail Options – upload file” feature. I only see a grayed outline with a camera icon in the corner. Is this normal?

2 – as for the keyword phrases – from and SEO perspective do you recommend using the same 4 keyword phrases on all posts or change them depending the Keywords I am going after on that post? Of course they are all site specific.

3 – Can you please explain or link me to where to find all the ‘cool features of the SEO post widget’ you speak of above?

I am working on updating my entire site by adding 4 keyword phrases to each and if I understand correctly, I should perhaps reload my featured image to be the last image so it will be used with the post widget.

Thanks for taking time to reply.