Comment on WordPress AdSense Themes by Mark.

Google AdSense Ads This is not a critical install question, but rather a tweek or two.
Two tweeks:

On a few of my sites I am not using the ‘main content ad unit’ but prefer to use the sidebar ‘1 GAT Adsense Content S1’ – twice (or three times) . I could just make a text widget but I like to always do everything within the theme. Is there an easy way to make a second (or third) ‘1 GAT Adsense Content S1’ so I can just drag a second Adsense content unit into the sidebar?
The result would be to clear the central column of Adsense and load it up in the side bars.

Another question: The ‘Movable content Ad’ is bellow the ‘next page >>’ link on the index page. If I wanted to put it above this ‘next page >>’ which file would I alter?

I should know the answers to these questions as I have worked with your themes long enough :)

Also would you ever consider a tutorial video? I think your explanations are pretty clearly written, but a walk around video or two might be good if and only if you are not camera shy.