Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options The theme comment system works fine on my sites, I’ve got around 15,000 comments on my sites. No other customer has reported a similar issue.

I tried to post a comment and looks like it didn’t work.

When I load the page I see a javascript error reported in Firefox.

I would start with disabling all comment related plugins and see if that fixes it, if it does reinitialise them one by one until it breaks the comments. If it doesn’t fix it disable all plugins and see if it works then.

If you work out which plugin it’s clashing with (if it is a plugin) if it’s a popular plugin I’ll look into it.

I can tell you now the subscribe to comments plugin doesn’t work correctly if you use threaded and multiple page comments. The plugin is way out of date (made before paged and threaded comments) and if you have lots of comments and someone tries to post a threaded comment on a paged comment, the comment posts fine, but the page doesn’t redirect to the place it should go to (I used to get a blank page). I’m reasonably confident the issue is with an out of date plugin not the theme per se, though I doubt this is related to your problem.

If it isn’t a plugin I’d look at what’s causing the javascript error.
