Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options Hi MJ,

I don’t do custom work for free and my current SEO charges are £75 an hour.

Fortunately what you want doesn’t require code work, create a pages (not posts) called

Contact Us

And they will be added like the WordPress SEO Plugins button you see on this page.

You can’t add a Home link this way since you can’t add a Home page that links to home. For this you’d need a small amount of code work, though there’s a Home link at the top of the header (name of the site) and a link at the very bottom within the footer so not needed.

If you want to add a Home link still load header.php into a text editor (Notepad for example)



And below it is the code that needs editing.

Add below the <ul> tag this code replacing with your URL-

<li class="page_item"><a href="">Home</a></li>

To give-

<li class="page_item"><a href="">Home</a></li>

Rest of header code below.

Save upload and you’ll have a Home link on the left of the other links.

David Law