Comment on Stallion Responsive WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

Stallion WordPress SEO Package New Stallion Responsive update version 8.2.2 includes new silo SEO options added to the Stallion SEO Posts Widget (see Popular Articles widget on menu for example output).

In Stallion v8.2.1 you could set the SEO widgets posts to be pulled from the categories a post was within, with the update posts can be pulled from tags. Since tags are optional, as a backup to the tags silo SEO option categories are used. If tags are selected as the silo SEO option and no tags exist, categories are used instead.

For those that have tags and categories adds another level of silo SEO to the Stallion SEO Posts widget output.

Added 7 new colour schemes.

Clean White n Blue
Clean White n Red
Clean White n Sea Green
Clean White n Rebecca Purple
Facebook Blue
Spring Tangerine
Fire Brick Red

Made it possible for me to add new colour schemes, font schemes and language translations without doing a full theme update. It’s really easy to make new Stallion colour schemes and font schemes (I can make a new colour scheme in about an hour), so with this modification you should see new colour/font schemes on a regular basis between major theme updates.

