Comment on Bill McRea Complaints by Renee Barnes-Orozco.

Bill McRea Complaints I have a few questions. I’m not as adept as I’d like with the formatting, so hopefully you can lead me in the right direction.

I did buy the Massive Passive software and do use the basic with your Talian WP program.

1- Can I make the huge Adsense box on top a little smaller? And where.

2- How do I fix the cut-off of the article? I want the whole thing to show on the 1st page. For some reason, it doesn’t do that cutoff on the sub-domains — which I like.

3- I have a few widgets on the side that I need to realign, but wanted to know if I can have a section above the clickbank ads and how would I do that? (the longer box ones)

4- I get an RSS XML error when trying to set up my RSS feed. Where would I fix that? a little lost. Tried deleting the feed and starting over but still isn’t working. I must have a coding issue or something.

5- On my sub-domains, when I try to add widgets, links and such to the side bars, they don’t stick. Do I need to change something in Talian to make it stick? (I enter them, looks like it worked, looked at the site to see how it looks and when I return, the widget, links are gone)

Overall, I like Talian and look forward to the update. Unfortunately, I really need to get the above tweaked to stay with Talian. I have looked at other formats that I generally like, but doesn’t quite meet my needs as this one does.

Thanks for your help.